More and more parents are opting for online tutoring for their kindergarten kids. Students love learning in virtual settings, and parents find it better because they can be part of the class and see how their kids are doing. Kindergarten is not about just playing or coloring these days. It is young kids’ exposure to a school setting, and online tutoring can help prepare them for it. However, it comes with a few challenges, like how to keep kids engaged, especially in kindergarten. Why? Because connecting virtually lacks physical touch. And teachers must be creative to get students to engage and keep their brains stimulated.
It requires different sets of rules and styles of tutoring to keep students engaged, as home provides so many distractions. Fortunately, there are multiple tips that teachers can use to keep students engaged. Let’s learn all about it.
5 tips to Keep Kindergarten Students Engaged with Online Tutoring
Find activities that can engage the students.
Young minds can only take so much learning through traditional means. An Online tutor for kindergarten should figure out outside activities that can keep the students engaged. For instance, singing along during the class can show their engagement. You can sing the ABC song to ensure they learn their alphabet. Or you can do a craft project that ties into math or English. You can even take a virtual class in your garden, teaching kids about the various things or animals they can find there. You can take a class from there if you can access a farm.
Start a new class well.
If you welcome a new batch of kindergarten students, the first step is to make them feel welcome. It sets the tone, and you want the online class to be where the students feel comfortable talking to you about things and participating in multiple activities. For instance, have ice-breaking games so students can get to know each other. Have fun games for young kids if you have more than one kid in your online tutoring class. If you are tutoring a one-on-one kid, you can use soft toys or other mediums to break the ice and make the student feel comfy.
Present your best self online.
When doing online tutoring, you must take on a different role. Your students can see you through a webcam, so look presentable and have a neutral background. That will ensure there are no distractions. Also, work on your facial expression to ensure it shows how engaged you are with what the student is saying (sometimes, it takes the patience of a saint). If you show a film, video, or slide, ensure high quality. The same thing goes for your audio. Make sure you change your tone to represent the change in what you are teaching. If you are reading a book to the kid, you must take a storytelling note.
Switch between lessons.
Kindergarteners have a short attention span. You cannot expect them to pay attention to a lesson for over 15 minutes. They will surely get bored and distracted. Thus, break your lessons. For instance, if you teach math, do it for 15 minutes. Then, switch to questions or show them pictures related to the lesson. It gives the child enough time to comprehend everything. After that, you can resume your lesson. Do this with all your lessons for the best effect.
Personalize artworks
Kindergarten students are interested in doing art. They love coloring things. So, ask them to create a picture (anything they like, or give them something to work with). Then, once they finish coloring, you can make them write a letter to their parents, grandparents, or even Santa. If they know how to write well, this is a great work of art for them. You can help them with spellings which they do not understand.
Creating an engaging online virtual classroom for tutoring or teaching is not easy. However, with the tips above, you can accomplish these goals. For instance, presenting your best self, personalizing art projects for the kids, letting them take breaks, and more all help to engage the kids with the lesson.