10 Renovation Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home



Creating an energy-efficient home is not just about embracing green living; it’s a practical, cost-effective approach to homeownership that benefits both the environment and your wallet. As we increasingly look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, home renovations offer a perfect opportunity to implement energy-saving measures. Lansing, Michigan, known for its rich history, is no stranger to the challenges and rewards of creating sustainable, energy-efficient living spaces in a climate that experiences both hot summers and cold winters. Here are some essential renovation tips for homeowners looking to enhance their property’s energy efficiency.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Windows

Choosing the right windows can drastically alter your home’s energy consumption profile. In Lansing, where temperatures can swing from sweltering summers to freezing winters, having windows designed to combat thermal transfer is a game-changer. When selecting energy-efficient windows, consider those with argon or krypton gas fills—these gases are denser than air, providing an additional layer of insulation. Furthermore, frames made from materials like vinyl or fiberglass offer better insulation than traditional aluminum frames and don’t require as much maintenance as wood. The investment in quality windows not only pays off in reduced energy bills but also in enhanced comfort within your home.

Replace or Repair Roofing

A well-maintained roof provides proper insulation, preventing heat from escaping during the winter and keeping interiors cool in the summer. This reduces the need for excessive heating or air conditioning, leading to lower energy consumption and costs. Partnering with a Lansing Metal Roofing Company, such as American Metal Roofs, for your roof replacement can significantly enhance your home’s energy efficiency. Instead of absorbing solar heat, metal roofs reflect it. This can potentially reduce cooling costs by a whopping 25%. Additionally, metal roofs can be installed over existing roofs, reducing waste and improving insulation. A local Lansing company will understand the specific climate challenges and can advise on the best metal roofing options, such as coated metals that further increase reflectivity and energy savings.

Add Extra Insulation

Insulation acts like a thermal blanket for your home, and in a climate as variable as Michigan’s, it’s essential. Beyond just filling in the walls, consider insulating your attic, crawl spaces, and even your garage. The type of insulation—spray foam, batt, or blown-in—can depend on the area being insulated and the specific needs of your home. For example, spray foam, while more expensive, can provide a higher R-value per inch and create an effective moisture barrier. Remember, the goal is to maintain a consistent indoor temperature, reducing the strain on your heating and cooling systems and making your home more energy-efficient year-round.

Seal Leaks and Drafts

The cumulative effect of small leaks around your home can equate to leaving a window open year-round. A detailed inspection around windows, door frames, and utility entrances for gaps and cracks is a low-cost initiative with high rewards. In addition to traditional weather stripping, consider the role of expanding foam or silicone caulk for a more durable seal. For homeowners in Lansing, paying special attention to areas that might be prone to ice damming in the winter can prevent not only energy loss but also potential water damage.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is like having a personal energy assistant for your home. It allows for the heating and cooling of your house to be automatically adjusted based on your family’s schedule, avoiding energy waste. Modern smart thermostats go a step further, learning your habits over time and adjusting accordingly, even allowing for remote adjustments through your smartphone. For households in Lansing, setting the thermostat to lower the temperature by even a few degrees overnight can result in noticeable savings on heating bills during those chilly Michigan winters.

Opt for Energy-Efficient Appliances

When it’s time to replace or upgrade appliances, the choice of energy-efficient models can significantly impact your home’s overall energy consumption. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, a government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, to guide your purchases. Additionally, consider the size and usage needs of your household—opting for a larger appliance than necessary can lead to unnecessary energy use, while something too small may need to work harder to meet your needs, especially in a busy household.

Update Lighting Fixtures

Upgrading your home’s lighting to LED technology is a straightforward yet impactful way to enhance energy efficiency. LEDs consume significantly less power and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. This means fewer bulb replacements and less waste, in addition to lower energy bills. Furthermore, LED lighting offers a wide range of colors and brightness levels, allowing for customization of your living spaces while still saving energy. Consider installing dimmer switches and motion sensors to further reduce electricity usage, ensuring lights are only on when needed and not wasting energy.

Consider Solar Panels

Solar panel installation is a transformative step toward energy independence and efficiency. In Lansing, where sunlight is ample for significant portions of the year, solar panels can provide a substantial portion of your home’s electricity needs. Modern solar systems are more efficient and less obtrusive than ever before, and many states offer incentives and rebates to offset installation costs. By harnessing the power of the sun, you not only reduce your reliance on the grid but also contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, making solar panels a win-win for both your wallet and the environment.

Implement Smart Home Technology

Incorporating smart home technology into your renovation can lead to unparalleled control over your home’s energy use. Smart thermostats, as mentioned, along with smart lights, plugs, and appliances, can all be programmed and monitored from your smartphone. This allows for real-time adjustments to your energy consumption, whether you’re at home or away. For example, you could program your heating to turn on just before you arrive home, ensuring a warm welcome without wasting energy throughout the day. Smart technology not only makes your home more efficient but also adds a layer of convenience to managing your household.

Landscaping for Energy Efficiency

Thoughtful landscaping can act as a natural way to improve your home’s energy efficiency. In Lansing, planting deciduous trees on the south and west sides of your home can provide shade during the summer, naturally cooling your home and reducing the need for air conditioning. In the winter, as these trees lose their leaves, they allow sunlight through, providing natural warmth. Similarly, planting evergreens as windbreaks can protect your home from chilly winter winds, reducing the need for heating. Strategic landscaping not only enhances your home’s curb appeal but also contributes to a significant reduction in energy consumption through natural means.


By incorporating these energy-efficient renovations into your home, you’re not only creating a more comfortable living environment but also contributing to a healthier planet. The initial investment in these upgrades can lead to significant savings on utility bills and increase your property’s value. Whether you’re updating appliances or sealing leaks, each step brings you closer to achieving an energy-efficient, sustainable home.