Mobile Game App
The app market is in demand these days, making it a lucrative way to make money from it. All you need to do is to create an app that captures the attention of people. 2048 is exactly one such game app that gained fame quickly, making it a favorite game of many individuals. If you are thinking of creating your own 2048 mobile game app, you can simply go to the game’s website and start creating the game of your dreams. But first, are you curious how creating an app can become your online money-making machine? Here is everything you should know.
1. Register With Google Play Store or Apple App Store
You need to be a registered member on either Google Play Store or Apple App Store before you can publish anything. But note that Apple’s scheme, a Developer Program, costs an annual fee of $99. As for the development program of Google Play, it costs just $25.
Both of them can provide you with access to their in-app payment engines, helping you accept money for the upgrades from the customers.
2. Keep the App Free But Offer Some Paid Extra Features
For best results, you should keep the app free and ensure to include the ‘free’ tag in-app purchases. That way, you’ll attract more users rather than scare them away. Keep in mind that many people are unwilling to give a try to apps that cost money. But once they are addicted to it, they are more likely to spend money on it. Give the users an amazing experience but also hold back some features that are non-essential which can make the app even more amazing. Then users can spend money on purchasing them and help you make more money.
3. Respond to Feedback
Make sure to always respond to feedback from those who tried your app. Even if it’s a negative one. In fact, you have even more reason to engage with people who criticized your app because they found some problems with it. You can use their feedback to fix those issues and improve the app for not only them but for others as well who may experience the same problems in the future.
4. Utilize a Rating System
Star ratings affect your download numbers just as much as the user feedback. If you don’t have a rating system, people will likely avoid downloading the app as many users look at ratings to determine whether the app is worth their time.
But even if you have a rating system, you still need to ensure you have a good rating score as users are less likely to try the apps that have below-average rating scores.
You can also ask people for ratings to boost the rating score of your app. But make sure to do it politely. Choose which strategy you will use. Some apps use polite notices, while others utilize pop-up reminders.
There are also others that keep their rating suggestions ‘hidden’ somewhere on a settings screen, which is likely to be discovered by users who enjoy the app very much. For best results, you should consider opting for the first and third strategies as people may find pop-up reminders annoying.
5. Host Ads
If you don’t want to ask the users for money, you can host the ads instead. Or if you are already asking users for money but want to make extra money, ads can be a wonderful option for you.
You have different types of ads to choose from, but banner ads are the most popular ones. Probably because people don’t find these ads annoying so they are less likely to turn them off.
On the other hand, if they like what they are seeing, they will click on the ad and you will get some revenue from it. Also, consider signing up with several ad networks, especially those that pay good rates, so you can make a great profit from ads.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, creating an app can help you make money from it in various ways. You can choose one of these options or utilize all of them for maximum profit. If you want to get more detailed information on this topic, you can visit the following link to https://appsgeyser.com/blog/create-2048-game-app-for-android/