The new phones are really fast and able to handle various applications without problem. But, suddenly, one day it starts to fail, it slows down … Is it time to change the model? Probably not necessary. What affects the performance of smartphones is usually related to storage, especially if the mobile does not have many gigs, or to the battery – specific problems with the processor can also arise. So it’s a matter of knowing how to improve that performance so that the phone lasts longer.
At what battery level is it better to charge the mobile?
A few years ago the recommendation to keep the mobile battery in good condition was to wait for it to discharge and then leave it charging even if it was full to avoid the ‘memory effect’, but that worked then, when the batteries of the phones were nickel. Now they are lithium-ion and that way of charging the phone is more harmful than beneficial. Now manufacturers recommend keeping the charge level between 20 and 80% of its capacity, there are even some that reduce the speed at which the battery is refilled from 80% so that you suffer less. Nothing happens if we ever go outside those percentages, but it is convenient to stay at them so that the battery works better.
If the charge percentage is not visible on the screen, it is very likely that it can be activated from some point in the ‘Settings> Battery’ menu or in the ‘Screen’ options.
Is it good to empty WhatsApp conversations?
There are some ‘apps’ that can consume, without our being aware, phone resources due to storage. WhatsApp is one of them, especially if the option to automatically download photos and videos is not deactivated, because then everything we receive through this messaging service will be stored in memory, gifs, videos, files Sound…
So that WhatsApp does not become a problem with the phone, it is advisable to clean the chats from time to time, especially those that we use the most. When a file arrives that we want to keep, it is better to download it to the computer or to the mobile image application, and mark those messages that we do not want to delete as highlighted, so we will not lose anything important when we erase the data in a very simple operation in which there is only You have to go to the chat you want to clean, click on the three points in the upper right, choose the ‘more’ option and click on ’empty chat’. In the menu that appears, check the ‘delete files from this chat’ box and check that the ‘delete starred messages’ box is deactivated.
Should you turn off the phone from time to time?
One of the recurring arguments in everything related to technology is that when a device does not work, it must be restarted, and the truth is that it often works. Phones can slow down or perform worse if we have opened many applications or have used it intensively with videos or video games, and it takes a while to open an application. So at least once or twice a week, every time we notice that it suddenly slows down or after cleaning the contents, we should restart the phone or turn it off and keep it off for a while so that the battery can recalibrate. and clear the temporary memory. In this way, we give the device a break.
If I update the operating system, won’t it slow down?
On the contrary, developers work so that each update of the operating system helps the programs work more smoothly, so it is convenient to have all the software always updated. In addition, and it is not a minor issue, the updates serve to make things more difficult for the creators of ‘malware’ because they eliminate the vulnerabilities that the previous version of the operating system could have. Of course, we must bear in mind that Android phone manufacturers usually update operating systems only for two years after the launch of each model – at most they reach three in the high-end.
The idea that phones slow down when updating the operating system we probably have it because it does with older models of the iPhone. In fact, Apple has been fined after acknowledging that it did so intentionally without informing consumers, although, the company claimed, it was to “extend the life” of these devices. However, the company continues to update its phones much longer than Android manufacturers, for about five years.
Ah, but… is it also important to update the applications?
Not all applications are automatically updated and it is convenient to have the latest version because their creators are always working to solve problems and improve the performance of each ‘app’. Making sure from time to time that they are all up to date takes a minute: you just have to enter the Play Store and click on the icon of our profile, in the upper right, and there choose ‘My applications and games’, where the apps that are out of update. By clicking on ‘Update all’ we make sure that all the installed software is up to date.