For decades wind turbines or also known as wind turbines have been used as a source of electricity. The man began to exploit this type of structure when he took advantage of the power of nature and began to build mills. Currently, third-generation wind turbines are used to produce electricity. In addition, the designs themselves have lately taken on increasingly unusual shapes.
A modern wind turbine consists of the following elements:
Anemometer. It is responsible for measuring the wind speed and transmits the corresponding information to the wind turbine controller.
Blades. The wind, when it hits these elements, makes them spin. As a result, the turbine is driven, which generates electricity.
Brakes. It is complemented by mechanical, hydraulic, and other actuators. The braking system of a wind turbine is necessary to stop the rotor in critical situations.
Controller. Automatically starts and stops the wind turbines.
The induction generator. The device generates electricity.
Nacelle. It is located on the top of the wind turbine. The nacelle conceals most of the components of the installation, including the brake and the controller. Depending on the type of construction, the wind turbine can be complemented with other elements.
The modern wind turbine has the following advantages over its predecessors:
Capable of operating at high wind speeds. Modern-type turbines operate when wind currents move beyond critical indicators (25 to 60 m / sec).
It does not create infrasonic waves. Previous generations of wind turbines had this disadvantage.
Simple installation. The basis of the construction is created still in the manufacture. The individual elements are installed on-site and the nacelle is mounted on the mast.
Use of innovative materials. They not only extend the life of the unit but also ensure easy installation.
Wind turbines are installed mainly along the sea and ocean coast or directly on the water.
This approach allows the turbine to run practically all year round.
The disadvantages of these blade-shaped systems are the following:
alter the natural thermal balance
relatively low efficiency, not exceeding 30%
occupy a large area
pose a threat to birds
The aforementioned drawbacks force developers around the world to seek new technological solutions to obtain wind energy. Recent achievements include:
Structurally it looks like a helium-filled balloon. Inside, a three-bladed turbine is installed on a horizontal axis. This system works today in Alaska. The turbine is at an inaccessible height for modern wind installations. This system can work practically in autonomous mode (the participation of the personnel is reduced to a minimum).
Its leaves repeat the location of the fins of the fish. Thanks to this design, the turbines are capable of producing a sufficient amount of electricity, while being within a short distance of each other. The length of the vertical installations is 9 m. For the system to work effectively, it is necessary to install at least two turbines near each other.
A new clean electricity generation project is underway in the United Arab Emirates. It involves the installation of 1,203 carbon stems on a 20-meter base. The height of this structure is 55 m. Each element of the system is 10 m apart.
The thickness of the individual stems at the base is 30 m. Inside are layers of alternating electrodes and piezoelectric material. Under pressure, the latter generates electricity. The energy is generated when the stems sway in the wind. This system generates the same amount of electricity as other wind turbines of the same size.
Tunisian scientists have created something similar. Its system differs from the carbon stalks used in the UAE by having a silent generator similar to a satellite dish on top. In the USA, it was proposed to install a small structure in each house, capable of generating electricity under the influence of wind energy. This wind generator has a snail shell-shaped turbine. This, when capturing the wind flow, rotates and reverses its direction. This wind turbine reaches 80% of the theoretical potential of these facilities.
During the last few years, developments designed to be installed on floating boats have appeared. In general, the number of systems capable of replacing blade wind turbines is constantly increasing. Perhaps in the future, they will be able to solve all the challenges facing the wind industry.